
Cryo-EM De Novo Structure Analysis Service

IT Support Services

Cryo-EM De Novo Structure Analysis Service

“De novo” is defined as de novo structure analysis, which means that the high-resolution structure of the target protein or its homologous protein has not been reported in the Protein Data Bank (PDB). Structural analysis of such proteins whose structures have not yet been determined (including proteins with unknown structures in the field of life sciences, protein complexes, and drug target proteins with unknown structures, etc.) is highly innovative and difficult.



1.Sample preparation and delivery

2.Preliminary screening with negative staining

3.Cryo-sample preparation

4.Sample screening and data collection

5.2D classification and initial data processing

6.Structural analysis

7.Model building


Why Choose CryoEM-Solutions

1.Reduced graphene oxide support film

The reduced graphene oxide grid is suitable for biomacromolecules with low concentration (around 100 nanomolar), with sensitive nature, prone to denaturation, biomacromolecules with small molecular weight (as small as 100kDa), and those with serious orientation challenges when using conventional cryo-grids.


2.Simple sample preparation

Using cryo-vitrified samples directly, without the sample crystallization.


3.Extremely low sample requirements

Typically, only 100 ul of protein samples with a concentration of 2 mg/mL and a purity > 95% is required.


The Applications of Cryo-EM De Novo Structure Analysis

1.Innovative analysis of protein structures.

2.Reveal the complex structure-activity mechanism of protein function.

3.Advance the design and optimization of next-generation inhibitors, modulators and other related ligands bioproducts.


Services at CryoEM-Solutions


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