  • Cryo-EM SPA

    The pioneer in commercialization of Cryo-EM platforms.

  • X-ray Crystallography

    Full coverage of protein crystallization experiment.

  • Cryo-EM De Novo

    Pursuing highly innovative protein structure analysis.

  • MicroED

    Rapid and high-resolution identification of structure.


CryoEM-Solutions, a pioneer in the commercialization of CryoEM services. Our mission is to harness the power of CryoEM, computational chemistry, and high-performance computing to accelerate digital advancements in small molecules, antibody drugs, protein degradation, gene therapy, and beyond.

  • Lipid Nanodiscs

    Capable of loading various types of membrane proteins.

    Lean More
  • mAb Epitope Identification

    No need for crystallization of antigen-antibody complexes.

    Lean More

State-of-the-Art Technology to Advance Drug Discovery

CryoEM-Solutions is at the forefront of revolutionizing drug development through cutting-edge CryoEM.

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The Pioneer In the Commercialization of CryoEM Technology Services

Our comprehensive services enable pharmaceutical companies to navigate the complexities of drug development.

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